Husband’s Responsibility

In confronting the question of what responsibilities men, in fact, owe to women, it is found that this ayah has the answer “Men are the maintainers and protectors of women.” It is very simple. In marriage, it is the OBLIGATION of the man, the right that the wife can legally enforce on her spouse, to take care of her. He must provide for her food, clothing, and all other physical needs of herself and the household. He must protect her in the face of danger. He must act as a father to the children. If he does not do these things, then it is a more than sufficient ground for a divorce. These are the basic rights that are conferred upon the individual when entering a marriage.

It goes deeper.

Prophet Mohammad (saw) once described women as a delicate ornament vase, and treated them accordingly. This maintaining is more than the immense responsibility of providing for the physical needs, it is also the huge responsibility to provide for the emotional ones too. He must show her love and treat her with honour, dignity and respect. He must also buy her gifts frequently.

It is a must on the husband to provide her comfort and the luxuries of life. Sexual fulfillment is also a condition of marriage. According to Islam, a man is a sinner if he stays away from sex for a period of 4 months. But this does not mean making her pregnant. It means having some common sense and using a condom.

In addition Prophet Mohammad has said that the best muslim man is the one who is best to his wife (Bukhari). The ordinance, therefore, is clear and needs to be emphasized. Men are meant to cater to the needs of the wife, and aid whenever possible. Kindness to the wife has been emphasized over and over by the Prophet.

This is exactly what women should expect of their men. This is what men should expect from themselves. It is the job of the husband to remember that they are, indeed, the captain of the helm, but who would argue that the ship is not of equal importance, if not more important?






8 responses to “Husband’s Responsibility”

  1. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    You should read a good book on sex. In the sixties, the record was held by a man who “did it” twenty nine times a week.

  2. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    People like you talk as if the Koran was revealed in Urdu and on 14 August 1947.

  3. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    1. He’s Indian. 2. Arabs don’t know a lot of things. 3. Who is asking you how the Quran was revealed?

  4. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    “Oh yes, the 4 months thing is from a fatwa given by Mufti Ibrahim Sahab (Indian). Grand Mufti of South Africa.” So now we have Indian-Africans telling us something which even the Arabs don’t know! For your information, and as Arabs keep reminding Pakistanis like you, the Koran was not revealed in Urdu (and not on 14 August 1947!).

  5. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    Oh yes, the 4 months thing is from a fatwa given by Mufti Ibrahim Sahab (Indian). Grand Mufti of South Africa.

  6. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    i know everything you have said in your first reply. Again, im talking from an islamic point of view. Not the view that society holds.
    As far as the second is concerned, i don’t know which planet you live on. Every man on earth does not have sex according to your thinking. Hundreds of thousands of men have sex only to have kids. Once they have the number of kids they want, they don’t have any more sex. (Since according to them using a condom is haram)

  7. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    “According to Islam, a man is a sinner if he stays away from sex for a period of 4 months”. I don’t know where you read this, but it’s obvious that you don’t know anything about sex. In the seventh century, most men married before the age of twenty, and that’s when a man needs to have sex once every day (if not more). After forty or thereabouts, and for the rest of his life (assuming he remains healthy, he needs it at least twice a month. And if he doesn’t have sex for three months and twenty eight days, he’s definitely impotent!

  8. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    “If he does not do these things, then it is a more than sufficient ground for a divorce”. Ask a Muslim woman what happens if she asks for a divorce. If she’s not killed on the spot and goes to court, it takes months for the marriage to be dissolved (this is known as “khula”). But if a man wants to divorce his wife, all he has to do is to say “I divorce you” three times and the poor woman is doomed (although the procedure recommended in the Koran for divorce takes much longer, yet most Muslims prefer the shorter method, because this means they can arrange their fifth marriage immediately). You can now write a post on this, Mr. Yusha!

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