How is mechanically slaughtered chicken halal?

Mechanically slaughtered chicken.jpgIn a western store I was surprised to see a pack of chicken labeled as halal. Not only was it labeled halal, it was actually certified to be halal. When I looked at the label on the back, the first thing it said was mechanically slaughtered.

This is not only the case in western countries but in the subcontinent as well. A machine slaughters chickens that are hung upside down while a tape recorder repeats Bismillah AllahuAkbar. Sometimes a person may be employed to repeat Bismillah AllahuAkbar. The thing common with both is that the recitation of Bismillah AllahuAkbar is not done simultaneously with the slaughter. Even if it was simultaneous, the chicken would still be haram. Chicken has to be slaughtered by hand.

There is a lot of ignorance concerning halal. I have seen a pack of fish nuggets labeled as halal. Since when was fish required to be slaughtered?

There is a true story of a Muslim who was served pork in an American restaurant. Upon inquiry the waiter replied, “Yes it is pork, but don’t worry Sir, it is halal!

Image: BBC






26 responses to “How is mechanically slaughtered chicken halal?”

  1. Bottom Line Avatar
    Bottom Line

    now we need a hindu (goraya) telling us what is halaal and haraam (lol)…. for mohamed – even before shooting an animal a person has to recite bismillah..mechanically slaughtered chicken is HARAAM

  2. tayab Avatar

    Goraya has given his analysis from Quran and it is up to readers to take it or keep following myths and stories. Muneera was rather harsh in shutting up everyone which is nothing new as many of us want to follow from our forefathers instead of learning from Quran.

    Thank you Goraya for your comments

  3. Muneera Avatar

    Who are you all to give Fatwa. Shut up and take the Fatwa from the source. Stop analysing as if you are the most Knowlagable scholar.

  4. GORAYA Avatar

    Many Muslims keep arguing about what they call ‘Halaal meat’ without even knowing the Qur’anic criteria. Most of those who reach the USA or Europe from other countries, or those who convert to Islam in the Western countries, are usually confronted by some Muslims, “Do not eat but the Halaal meat.” What do they really mean by Halaal meat? Nothing Qur’anic!

    Most importantly, let us not equate Halaal with Zabeeha. The word ZABEEHA does not even appear in the Qur’an. God knew in His infinite Wisdom that the ways of slaughtering would keep changing with time.

    16:115 He only prohibits for you the dead animal, blood, and swine-flesh and anything that has been dedicated to other than God….

    16:116 Do not keep uttering in falsehood, “This is lawful and this is unlawful”, thus inventing lies against God. Those who fabricate lies against God, fail to prosper in their own ‘self’.

    The upholding of any prohibitions not specifically mentioned in the Qur’an is nothing but idolatry. Such man-made restrictions represent some other god(s) beside God. If we obey God alone, we will uphold His laws alone and honor only His commandments. God very clearly mentions in the Qur’an what is prohibited from the food and meat.

    2:173 He has forbidden you: dead meat (carrion), blood, swine-flesh, and anything (NOT JUST MEAT) that has been dedicated to other than God (be it a person, an idol or a tomb 5:3) …)

    In addition to ignorance, the term “Halaal Meat” is a term often used for profits. Those calling their meat Halaal, are actually claiming that any other meat is not Halaal. And that the meat sold in the general groceries (supermarkets in the West) is not Halaal. They make more money on their products by selling it expensive. Ordinary Muslims get deceived that their meat is the only Halaal meat for them. God Almighty always knew that many Muslims would be living among People of the Book and sharing their food and for this reason God stated the following:

    5:5 “Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the People of the Book) is Lawful (HALAAL) for you……”

    BEFORE EATING: God Almighty has also specified a simple criterion for His servants. Mention God’s Name on EVERYTHING you are going to eat. See 5:4, & 6:118-119.

    6:119 Why should you refuse to eat on which God’s Name has been pronounced (i.e. it is dedicated to Him alone)?

    NOT BEFORE SLAUGHTERING: Muslims have substituted God’s command (mentioning His Name on food before eating it) by a non-Qur’anic condition of their own making. They have made slaughtering (ZABEEHA) the ONLY lawful method of killing an animal for its meat. There is absolutely no such restriction in the Qur’an. As a result of this man-made restriction, the Mullah-minded Muslims and meat merchants insist that the Name of God must be mentioned on it before slaughtering an animal. The following observations prove that this imposed restriction is false and that it is non-Qur’anic:

    1. The first reason is that unless you have slaughtered the animal yourself, you cannot be sure that the Name of God has been mentioned on the animal. Therefore, the only choice available is to mention God’s Name before eating.

    2. Another reason behind mentioning God’s Name on our food before eating is appreciation:

    16:114 So enjoy all the lawful and decent THINGS which God has provided for you. And be grateful for God’s bounty if it is Him you truly serve.

    This act of appreciation for God’s blessings would not be genuine and heartfelt if we rely on someone else taking God’s Name somewhere in the slaughter house.

    1. By reading 16:114, we note that the command of uttering God’s Name is related to whatever we eat, ANYTHING, and not just meat. This includes fruit, vegetables, or even snacks like cookies, biscuits or peanuts etc. Should we slaughter fruit, cookies and peanuts? So, the only way to obey God’s law is to take His Name before eating all foods.

    2. Verse 5:5 makes it clear that God has made it Lawful for us to eat the food of People of the Book (Jews, Christians). As the Christians in particular do not take God’s Name before slaughtering, their food is still lawful for us. This can only mean that the duty is laid on each of us before eating our food and nothing else.

    BLOOD: Muslims need to recall that People of the Book also consider blood as Forbidden. Whichever way the animal is killed for consumption, its blood either drains out or lodges in its veins. This blood is automatically removed during washing the meat. See that happen in a chicken you buy from a Christian merchant or from a Muslim pushing for ‘Zabeeha’ meat.

    A HADITH DISCARDED: The Hadith lovers even discard their beloved Bukhari here: Sahaba Kiraam asked the Prophet, “People bring us meat and we do not know if God’s Name has been mentioned on it.” The Prophet (S) replied, “Say BISMILLAH and eat it.”

  5. goraya Avatar

    First I think you really need to study Islam and definitions of words.being frequent blogger doesn’t mean that you would be writing good .Do some home work
    First of All the animals/Food declared Halal in slam would be considered halal in all conditions even slaughtered by non muslims.We need to focus if it’s “Zabeeha” or not .”Zabeeha is Islamic way of slaughtering and is sam as inother AbrahImic religion.Base line is should be slaughtered in the name of Allah/God and not said thename of smthng else.”
    If it’s not zabiha it would still be “Makrooh’ and cannot be tagged Haram .haram is pork which would be haram even after takbir and all other carnivorous animals.
    I think you need to study a bit more to differentiate the things.
    except Muslims from subcontinent Muslims all around the world including arabs eat that “Makrooh” meat by saying Bismillah and it becomes permisible to eat once you say Name of Allh and here it need to fulfil the condition that it should not be slaughtered in the name of Non-Allah , which in west is not done.
    Eating makrooh is a matter of choice only and in case of haram there is no choice
    I can just sypathesize with you on your ignorance.Just the level of development varies , Knife for manual slaughtering is a simple machine and It has been accepted worldwide by Ulema Councils that Mechanical(with modern saws which are just big knives made of same iron) slaughtering is permisible for birds not for cattle.In western world society is more mechanized and labour is expensive so they use less labour.Starting from Pakistan to west everywhere itz practiced same.The can slaughter as many animals as you want till turning of machine on next we need corepoint is that when you turn on the blade say the name of Allah and can slaughter as many birds as you want .for next shift you need to do it again.If the words of takbir are from mouth of a beleiver , even live or recorded have same effect .these are not the points t o waste time dear.we need to sort out our greater challenges.For larger cattles takbir should be played or said on every animal individually many animals with one takbir cannot be slaughtered. and baseline is that salughterhouse cannot TAG meat as Halal if the butcher is not muslim.even now the electricshock or nail is accepted as modern toosl .just lik eTV and loed speaker was haram and now used by everyone

  6. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    @Mohamed: I find it strange that in your first comment you praised the post and right after that started arguing with me.

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