Global energy consumption

Two main environmental issues in the world today are global climate changes and local or regional air pollution. Both are results of energy consumption all over the world.

Responses to the energy usages are important to the entire planet and its inhabitants. Current and future policies and regulations designed to limit the emissions of airborne pollutants, where ever they are in place, are likely to affect the composition and growth of global energy use.

Mobile (transport) and stationary energy (industry) consumption have resulted in increasingly stringent regulation of air pollutants such as lead, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds deteriorating the environmental and air quality in the process.

What is more, given the expectations of economic growth every where in the world and growing dependence on fossil energy, global carbon dioxide emissions are also expected to grow more rapidly in future than they did any time during the past. A projected increase in fossil fuel consumption, particularly in developing countries like ours, is largely responsible for the expectation of fast-paced increase in carbon dioxide emissions.

Harmful emissions to the air come from factories, vehicle exhausts and from multiple industrial activities. These emissions can impact locally, or can affect the environment at large distances from their source. Which is why emissions any where have a significant impact on the global environment?

It is for the first time that economic growth rates and population growth in the developing world are likely to be higher than in the industrialized world.

This accompanied with the rising standards of living and increase in energy intensive industries, the developing nations are going to account for the largest share of the projected increase in world energy use.

As per the Environmental Agency report, “Carbon dioxide emissions are expected to rise after 2005 despite the use of more advanced technology and abatement equipment. Consumption of fossil fuels is likely to increase with increasing energy demands and decreased use of nuclear power for electricity production.”

Some of the developing countries around the world are alive to the situation and have already enacted policies aimed at protecting the environment. Many others are still thinking to take the necessary steps in this direction. Our is an energy deficient country and relies for its energy needs on a variety of traditional and commercial sources whereas the laws are either not there or have not been implemented properly.

Pakistan is a developing country only entering in its industrialization stage. With economic development, population growth and higher living standards, the amount of primary energy consumed will almost undoubtedly increase in the future, as will the resultant carbon emissions. These absolute increases and shifts in energy mix will occur despite continued technological improvements and reductions in energy intensity.

Environmental analysts and watchers suggest that one of Pakistan’s main priorities must be developing and utilizing technologies to solve the major environmental challenges the country is currently facing and will face in the future. These efforts should be focused on technologies that treat wastewater, prevent air pollution and improve environmental monitoring systems. It may seem costly but that is the only sustainable solution in the long run.

Good news is that this has started happening, though one would like to see more concern in this regards.






3 responses to “Global energy consumption”

  1. radonmåling Avatar

    I never heard this before that the two main environmental issues in the world today are global climate changes and local or regional air pollution. Both are results of energy consumption all over the world. I hope people can also read this post. Thanks

  2. Hend Avatar

    This is an extremely tricky and political issue. Though it is everyone’s reponsibility to reduce pollution, no one really wants to make any concessions. The poorer or third world countries want to achieve their progress and development so they are moving up the pollution curve and the developed countries who are already way up do not want to come down. As more and more of world’s manufacturing is being done in the cheaper and thus poorer locations there is a geographical shift in the emission map.

    In other words, to cut down emissions is to cut down the economy, no one is going to do it.

    This being said, there is another dimension to it which is the human pollution and demand. Heavily populated countries not only cause huge collective pollution but also deplete natural resources such as forest cover, food sources, water table and natural resources.

    While countries fight over the per capita emmission norms we should agree that increasing growth in populations is not in anyone’s interest.

  3. hunain Avatar

    give us some information about daily consumption till now how much petrol used in pakistan?

    what’s ratio of petrol

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