World Mayors and Municipal Leaders Declaration on Climate Change
Fourth Municipal Leaders Summit on Climate Change
On the Occasion of the
United Nations Climate Change Conference
(COP 11 and COP/MOP 1)
7 December, 2005, Montreal , Canada
We, mayors and municipal leaders from around the world meeting at the Fourth Municipal Leaders Summit on Climate Change submit a statement of solidarity as stewards of the Earth and agree that:
- Climate change is a major global challenge requiring urgent and concerted action and collaboration by all orders of government; and that,
- Climate change discussions, negotiations and actions are best informed by scientific evidence such as that provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) with a particular focus on vulnerable continents and populations; and that,
- Municipal leaders have the extraordinary ability to change the current trend of global warming; and that,
- If substantial cooperation is exercised among all orders of government the resulting actions can be leveraged to realize the deep reductions needed to move toward climate stabilization.
We, mayors and municipal leaders, recognize that:
Local governments play a critical role to effectively reduce human induced greenhouse gas emissions knowing that the sustainable CO2 emission rate for human-kind is 0.5 tonnes eCO2 per capita annually based on six billion inhabitants (IPCC).
Sustainable development and climate change are interdependent as articulated in the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Local policies and actions will meet or exceed targets set by sub national and national governments to effect deep reductions and lead other sectors to execute the same.
Climate change impacts like floods, drought, water availability and quality, extreme heat, air pollution and infectious disease pose grave danger to public health and many local governments are already experiencing these effects.
The linkage between urban and rural communities driven by current development patterns offers opportunities to pursue poverty alleviation and mitigate inequitable impacts affected by climate change.
The buying power of local governments can accelerate the application and accessibility of clean technologies in the marketplace including renewable energy options.
The planet is warming. More severe and extreme weather events necessitate urgent action to ensure adequate mitigation and adaptation measures be taken to protect public health, strengthen infrastructure, apply appropriate urban and regional development plans, and advance economic development.
We, mayors and municipal leaders, commit to the following actions:
Implementation of policies and operational changes that, acknowledging the differential access to resources between cities in developed and developing countries, will achieve the emission reduction targets set forth in the International Youth Declaration of 30% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 based on 1990 levels, building upon the actions already taken by local governments that committed to a 20% reduction by 2010.
Establishing a system of accountability on these actions by reporting to the Conference of the Parties and Meeting of the Parties annually through 2012 detailing progress towards the targets.
Using uniform mechanisms to measure reductions for comparative analysis and verification.
Improving and advancing the exchange of data monitoring, skills, technologies, methods, tools, public education and experiences to achieve emissions reductions, with specific reference to developing countries.
Minimization of the dependence on fossil fuel energy through shifting to sustainable land use that:
- encourages public transit.
- diminishes the reliance on vehicular transport and single occupancy vehicles.
- improves energy efficiency.
Advancing partnerships and collaboration with national and sub national governments, non-governmental organizations, corporate and industrial sectors, as well as non-governmental organizations and community groups, in order to multiply reduction potential.
We, mayors and municipal leaders, request that:
Local governments be recognized by the Conference of the Parties for the actions they have implemented and are continuing, tangibly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, we request from the UNFCCC an allocation be granted to all Major Groups to strengthen and enhance an annual input process specific to local governments prior to future COP/MOP meetings.
National and sub-national governments: recognize the fundamental role of local governments in mitigating and adapting to climate change; partner with them to enhance their technical, human and financial capacity and legislative authority; and fully engage them when making strategic decisions on climate change policies.
Global trade regimes, credits and banking reserve rules be reformed to advance debt relief and incentives to implement polices and practices that reduce and mitigate climate change.
All national and sub-national governments commit to a process to negotiate an international climate change regime with deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions enacted by 2012.
National and sub-national governments ensure that local governments have the opportunity to participate in emissions trading in accordance with evolving domestic and international trading systems.
| – ICLEI’s Montreal Summit data
For more information:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Representatives of local governments, present at the Summit unanimously endorsed the World Mayors and Municipal Leaders Declaration on Climate Change, asserting the need for joint authority and global action.
ICLEI (the UN local government coordination agency) sponsored this Montreal Declaration which has been signed now by hundreds of cities and towns. I don’t know how to get it signed by our mayors and I am not sure whether concerned authorities are interested or not.
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