Decisions count a lot in life. Â
Right decision taken at a right moment may prevent u from crying for the rest of your life. Â
Life gives us a right to decide for ourselves. Â
We need to be strong enough to take stand to live our life in true meanings. Â
Sometimes we do take a stand for something, we fight, we defend and we often win. Â
We haven’t been into the real thing yet. The real thing is known after we put ourselves into the situation itself. Â
World isn’t  always as beautiful as it seems from outside. Â
If we have fought the world for something that facing reality we feel was  wrong, we should be strong enough to confess, to accept that we have been defending the wrong choice. Â
Carrying a mistake endoubles it. It is more painful to carry the grudges of a wrong decision and stick to it out of ego and stubbornness. Â
In life , decisions can, have to be and sometimes should be revised. I feel there’s no harm in realizing that you were wrong at a point, instead of carrying it through out your life. Get rid of the pain right at the moment.  Â
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