Due to the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr and on-going Ramadan, the traders have picked-up the tabs and they are having some lucrative field days in milking the common man, who is already frustrated from all the corners. The price hikes, hoarding, profiteering and such nuisances have choked the life.
While that happens in the common market, the condition of the bourses is also very very bad. There is no incoming money, and the outgoing money’s volume is huge. The investors and traders are heading towards the greener pastures in the deserts of UAE, especially to Dubai.
The real estate sector in Pakistan is losing out heavily as investments worth almost $3 billion have been transferred to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) within a span of eight months. In the UAE, investors do not have endless paperwork, nor do they to face legal hurdles, besides the market of UAE is certain and stable.
Above all there is no Zardari to become the president in UAE. There is no “khup” of elections, army, democracy, political parties and such blah in the UAE, and people just do business and earn and enjoy. Take me to Dubai, please.
UAE is no utopia and working style of their government and bureaucracy is almost identical to us. The major difference between Pakistan and UAE is sense of security. There, one feels secure moving around with family with no apparent tension of street crime.