Syed, Sheikh, Mughal, Pathan… and the list goes on. Muslims don’t have untouchables but lets get some facts straight. There are castes among Muslims. There is no point in hiding behind this dark truth. Instead of pointing fingers at Hindus, it’s time to look in our own ‘girebaan’.
There is this so called ‘izzat’ that people talk about. If a person is going to marry another of a lower caste, relatives do their best to stop the marriage from taking place, stating that it is the question of their honor. They come up with things like, “what will people say? Your niece/nephew got married to a (your choice of a lower caste).”
Shame on these relatives and shame on people who won’t marry their children to others on the basis of this so called caste. Caste system is nothing but a shameless propaganda by arrogant people who live in a delusional world of ‘izzat’. Truth is, they don’t have any.
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