Casey Cankers Now

Tom Casey, the new chicky look spokesperson of the white house has very sweetly said that they are not leaving their servile ally in the war on terror alone, and they standby with both Afghanistan and Pakistan and would ensure that their security is not compromised at all. Casey said, “In the end, we want to make sure that nothing is done that would undermine the security either of Pakistan or of Afghanistan.”

But Casey chick is also disturbed about the peace process. Yes, the dame dude is worried over the peace and he wants some action packed with drones, hellfire, blood of the children and the bones of the innocent people. He cannot settle for less, and he wants it pretty quick without any worry in the world.

The skeptiscm of the Casey runs high and over the peace efforts of the Pakistan he says, “We’ve seen similar kinds of agreements reached in the past that have not been successful,” I think there’s a healthy degree of skepticism as to exactly how effective these kinds of agreements can be.”

Let’s bring Tom Casey to FATA and let him spend a night with Baitullah Mehsud. That will clear his stars alright.






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