Blood in Gaza

War harms everybody, harms ruthlessly and without questions everybody who engages in it. Whether in the defense position or in the defiant position, the war harms. One party start off, they”re the bad guys in the eyes of the some, and in the eyes of some they are just clearing up the mess.

Upon, and during every war, intellectuals of every breed make interesting psychological conclusions based on theory and they ignore the bare metal ground realities. One wonders how these intellectuals come up with the justifications of the war and how simply they make the cruel an innocent and the victim a vampire. They may be fascists and dictators and bad, really bad guys. That doesnt mean you”re good, you know?

Wars, primarily are fought by evils on both sides. There must be faults at both sides, but the victim become whom has been at lesser fault or who is most unfortunate one. One is a little more evil than the other. But even though the start in a war with sort of good intentions or for that matter peace intentions. The fancy slogans like “we are going to defeat terrorism” end up being inflicting more pain than the terrorism. you end up being violent, you end up killing a lot of innocent people. That has been witnessed by billions in the Iraq.

That is what is going on in the Gaza right now and yet US thinks that Israel is the defender, but then US has blood on its own hand and then you don”t have to ask questions anymore.






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