Black Goggled Politicians

Is it a day of celebration for the Pakistani voters in this land of pure? You would ask, perhaps from yourself or from the people around you. What would a hapless voter celebrate in this country, after getting his mandate right and after watching his desired representatives in the assemblies?

The politicians with their black goggles, land cruisers, hoards of armed thugs (i.e. body guards) with their entrenched patriarchy, their killing fields, personal jails and they are symbolically one brand of men who kill the dreams and hopes of the people after getting what they want.

As the Islamabad is buzzing with the political activities and all kinds of colorful and disgusting ostentatious animals are scouring the roads in search of any perk or pelf in the next setup, one wonders as why not in the hell this drama gets terminated, and we see our pompous leaders in the parliament doing what are supposed to do.

We are fed up of these daily meetings between the political leaders, and when we see the likes of Fazlur Rehman, Ghafoor Haideri, Hamid Chattha and Wattoo and other idiots meeting with the winning party leaders, it really gives us a bad taste.






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