There are 2 types of E-waste, software and hardware. It is important to learn the appropriate manner of disposal for both forms of E-waste so as to reduce environmental damage and personal responsibility.
When deciding to donate away or re-sell your electronic equipment like mobile phones, laptops, desktops, mp3 players and other electronic devices, it is important to go through the first round of disposal by starting with the internal software and documents you may have on your device.
Sensitive information like documents containing your email and other access account names and passwords, financial information you may have on your laptop when like your personal balance sheet and financial planning documents, intimate pictures and other potentially dangerous information when in put in the hands of the wrong individual should be thoroughly and carefully removed from the device before giving it away or re-selling it.
The safest manner of doing this is to get a portable external hard drive, back up all the files you have onto it and reformatting or deleting the entire contents of the computer, leaving behind the operating system and other programs without leaving behind personal information and data.
This way you are good to go and can start to give your electronic device a new life without the shadow of your past in it!
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