When it comes to accumulation of knowledge on the World Wide Web and presenting it to users in a friendly manner, “SciTech Daily” and “Art & Letter Daily” are the two Websites that cover almost every thing that is being writing on wide variety of subjects. Both the sites are very useful for students who want to broaden their intellectual horizon.
For news, analysis, and opinion on science and technology issues, SciTech Daily (http://www.scitechdaily.com/) is a very helpful starting place. Updated 6 days a week, it keeps around 60 items on its home page before scrolling them off the bottom. The page is arranged in three columns: “Features and Background”, “Books and Media”, and “Analysis and Opinion”. In addition, they have a link to an archive of each column.
The format for their items is a short and brisk – usually one or two sentences picked up from the story — and a link pointing directly to the original source. Site search feature is also there. Though lack in aesthetics (it looks old fashioned), this site does not waste time. In addition to the meat of their content, they have handy link columns pointing to: “Breaking News”, “Sci/Tech Publications”, “Useful Media”, and “Interesting Sites”. They keep these lists small – some 20 to 30 links — and the quality high. You can subscribe to an alert that brings the updates of your interests direct in your inbox.
Sister site, Arts & Letters Daily (http://www.artsandlettersdaily.com/) is also a fascinating clearinghouse of links to some of the best articles on the Web, with a strong bias toward the humanities. This too is updated six times a week in three main categories –Articles of Note, New Books, and Essays and Opinion — the site is a good collection of great reads across an impressive range of subjects and points of view.
The content makes both SciTech Daily and Arts & Letters Daily unique in the history of knowledge that only the Web could have spawned – economical, fast, smart and full of surprises. Thought these are only a compilation and achieving but after first few online visits, one realizes that putting them together involves imagination, energy, critical judgment and intense curiosity. Visit both the sites and find subject of interest there.
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