Waiting for the Dawn

Current status of Pakistan is in its worst ever proportions. This statement cannot be disputed in any case in wake of the scenario present in Pakistan. Everything and anything cannot be stated less than a mess. Pakistan witnessed the same fateful disconent in 1971 when the ideology was dismantled and differences on basis of mere language became more significantly meaningful. Today’s turmoil is also based on similar mere differences that have staked the country’s independence once again.

In this entire hectic situation a ray of hope still persists. The need for change is magnificently important but at the same time, quite tough. It would be hard to notices the different deluge taking place but somewhere it sure is present, we just need to specify and accept the hard work done by the new army chief in order to keep the army away from the politics. Though it appears to be a very minor change but it was what this country was in dire need since long where the army ruled more than half of the dawns since independence.

Pakistan’s army is the one that always brought pride for every Pakistani before the present decade. It remained a source of inspiration for every youngster, but the harm done to the army’s name in last eight years is difficult to be reversed. General Kiyani has been placed into a situation where he has to derive unravel. But his recent stance by drawing a line in the sand has paved the wave for change. It is hoped that the change would do its part of contribution to generate the maturation pace at a level where the dawn would be one it was on the day it received independence. The chains are always difficult to break but still nothing is impossible.






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