19th September has been one another day, when 200 million Pakistanis have woken up to the reality that the motherland is burning, being attacked by an invisible but a lethal and barbaric force. Karachi was the target of today’s attack by Tehreek e Taliban Fidayeen (Highway to Hell) squad, in the most settled residential area of Defence. As per the input from media and security official, a suicide bomber in his early 20’s drove an SUV loaded with explosives into the residence of CID top man, SSP Chaudhry Aslam in early hours of the morning.The impact from the blast was tremendous, destroying the targeted residence as well as cars and buildings in the surrounding.
The suicide bomber missed his target or his family member, but his evil act deprived 8 families from their much loved ones. The dead included civilian (Women & Children) as well as security official guarding the residence of SSP Aslam. It seems that fate has prolonged the list of tragedies and misfortunes on this nation, and the spell of grief has left every soul broken. In all, more than 40,000 Pakistanis have perished in this wave of terror (Post 9/11), a sacrifice larger than the collective toll of all UN members in this fight.
The target, Ch Aslam is one of the most decorated law enforcing officer when it comes to hunting down and eliminating “the merchants of death†TTP, especially  in Karachi. The SSP has in his credit numerous high profile arrest and elimination of TTP operatives and their assets, making him part of their top list. As soon as the media teams reached the spot, the SSP was seen casually dressed assessing the damage, and in some footage linking with his team via cell phone as if he has started the counter offensive at the moment. Later, he was seen on media screen with full pride and confidence, challenging the TTP for being a coward for attacking civilians and his family, and vowed to teach them a lesson like never before……………..
The day has grief everywhere, and there is no denial to this. The bombing, among other took away lives of two families in the most horrific manner, with one loosing father and his son Asif, while in the other case a mother along with her son departed on the eternal journey, making themselves part of thousands of other souls who have vanished without a trace, and with a simple crime of being Pakistani.
Toward the evening, media screens flashed with the news that the prime intelligence agency of Pakistan, the ISI had 3 weeks earlier warned the concerned authorities of an upcoming attack, naming the targeted person as well as the date and timing for the attack. This development has multiple prospective, and must be taken into account.
1. The target itself, SSP Ch Aslam rose to the top list of TTP after inflicting severe damage to the network, and his planned elimination reveals the level of desperation TTP had for his success. I am certain that SSP Ch Aslam isn’t the lone figure in this war against these barbarians. Thousands of dedicated yet unsung heroes are fighting on frontline as well as within us, for a safer tomorrow to come. Men like Commandant FC Sifwat Ghayur have laid down their lives, making themselves an example for others among their rank.
2. The prior intel of the attack makes it clear that our agencies, whether operating in cities or Tribal areas, have their hand on these anti Pakistan elements, and INSHALLAH the day isn’t far when they will be rooted from their safe heavens, across and inside our borders.
3. It’s a long, slow yet painful fight. The bigger the prize, greater remain the sacrifice and in this fight, we have the entity most dear to us at stake, our Pakistan. We had successes and failures as well, we were triumphant at one stage and we have suffered as well. Nations are tested in time’s of grief and pain, with the arsenal of unity, faith and discipline they march to the final mile. May be the sacrifice and effort of today isn’t that obvious, but tomorrow a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan will speak of itself, the effort we have done as a nation in every capacity, let it be the soldier guarding the frontier, let it be the doctor attending the victims of 19th September bombing, or the volunteer from Edhi with his sack collecting human organs at the site… no matter what you did or in what capacity you performed, history will remember you as part of this brave nation…… Pakistan.
Long Live Freedom
Long Live Pakistan
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