Thank you Mr Raymond Davis … thanks a lot for reminding the blind folded, deaf and dumb 180 million herd of cattles called Pakistanis………that we are worms, the real pesticides of this globe, you can play with us, you can go on a rampage shooting people, your “friends†can play real version of “Need for Speed Carbon†in down town Lahore, and all we will say is… â€damn immunity covers you â€.
Pakistan is in shock and speechless, but they shouldn’t be. I mean lets go out and celebrate “dar ke raho aur sub khapo (be scared…. be blessed)â€â€¦â€¦..â€sharminda mat ho Raiwind chalo (why feel ashamed, lets celebrate at Raiwind)â€â€¦â€¦â€¦.â€aur darna kya, Adliya azad hai (why scared…..Judiciary is free)â€.
We all have made a mockery of ourselves. I just want an answer… on whose hand this blood is written? Is it me or you? Was the widow of the deceased insane when she committed suicide? Didn’t she forget that she has no brother, no sister or country men left with an element of “self respect and dignityâ€. We all have been fooled so easily, or was it just a wake up call to us?
One last time that the water has surpassed our neck, the water composed of slavery, chains, disgrace, humiliation and God knows what. We are a nuclear power, we have ballistic missiles. I have heard it so much but I regret at not been told that we have given up sovereignty even by having these.
I can recall only one thing on this occasion, which Hazrat Ali (RA) suggested true muslims (Don’t confuse yourself by thinking may be we have an obligation to adopt it)
“Hakumat Kufar par qaim rah sakti hai… na insafi par nahe†(An empire based on infidelity can withstand, but not the one based on injustice).
Today the merits, the meaning of justice has been scattered. Every politician, those hiding in the corridor of powers, those fooling us by claiming themselves as opposition, the one in uniform and one operating without uniform  have their hands painted with blood. They have the blood of those 3 victims on their hand, they have the blood of that widow on their hand who had foreseen their betrayal. They have the blood of Aafia on their hand for selling a daughter, a mother and a sister to these imperial forces.
Lets make up your mind. This 23rd March should not be celebrated but rather mourned as a day for lost “respect, pride and sovereigntyâ€. Instead of praying before Allah for worldly things, lets pray that he takes away every thing and grant us these unseen things, which mean every thing.
Why not free all those in jails. I mean they are also killers and they killed Pakistani (My apologies to Vice Roy Cameron Munter in case any American was harmed by them), whose blood isn’t that important.
This day should haunt every one associated with this green faith, we have sunk to the lowest among the league of 207 countries, and if we continue on this path the world will invent a new category for us some time soon.
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