Nude Terrorism

The agony and anger of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)’s workers’ is thoroughly understandable, but its equally condemnable as some miscreants are trying to exploit the situation for their nefarious designs.

The whole country is in the state of mourning, while the terrorism is dancing nude. With a morbid pride, so-called Al-Qaeda is announcing that they have done this horrible act against humanity, but why are we burning our own home in protest? Why don’t we use this point in time to join hands and fight the hell out of these terrorists from the mountains?

Just watch the private channels, and they are full of news, slides, breaking news, and footages of people burning, looting, and destructing the public property and vehicles. In Karachi many banks have been set to fire, many buses, trucks, cars and other vehicles have been torched, many people have also been killed riots.

In the interior Sindh cities of Coterie, Jacobabad, Larkana, NousheroFeroze, Ghotki, Tundo Jam, Mirpur Khas and many others are witnessing the worst cases of arson, looting, and cross firing. Government offices are being burned down, and the public properties are being looted and destroyed. What the hell is this? Why in the hell set fire to the hospitals, and why in the hell torch the telephone exchanges, trains, and markets?

Will it arrest the criminals who shot Benazir? Will it compel President Musharraf to leave the power? Will it bring the stability and certainty? It will only make the grins on the faces of terrorists wider.






2 responses to “Nude Terrorism”

  1. ash Avatar

    terorists?who terorists? alqaida or remants of jamiah hafza? whom do v include in da list ov terorists?whr do thy cum 4m?terorists cum 4m within us! kiling inocnt ppl in lal masjid shodnt make doz left, revengful? shont it gve birth 2 thousnds of xtrmists? da badli wounded xtremists! ofcorse ani1 who loses hz luvd 1s dz way may plot 2 destroy us all! wht ws jamiah hafzaz incidnt? ppl wer kild just cuz thgy wantd 2 implemnt islam in a so cald islamic state, just cuz thy wodnt compromise wid a enligtnd modrartn of our presidnt whch i cmpare wd din-e-illahi of king akbar! wernt thy kild brutali if BB is? dnt thy hav familyz? wernt thy muslims?pakistaniz? now ethngz ovr 2 alqaida? ya ofcorse BB ws more dn a sis 2 pmlqleadrz! she had no rivals among da caretakr gvt!
    v know it! v know it all! still v r invitng a civil war! cnt do anithing 2 da real force behind dxz incident so y not kil our own pll? leadrz r sitng safli thr n comn manz dieng! wht did thy do?
    da govt iz acusng alqaida n terorists bt nt realizng its disability in handlng terorism,during 8 yrd reign of musharaf did terorism lesn or grew more? each n e act he performz is worsning da situatn!!!!!!!!!!
    now what?
    v da yung gen has 2 do sth! v hav 2 brng revolutn! by any way bring out da truth! bt how????????????????????????????

  2. ash Avatar

    terorists??????????who terorists? suicide bomber? whr do thy cum 4m?terorists oftn kald xtrmists cum 4m within us, evn a comn man like us gets 4stratd wn v c da jamiah hafza incidnt thn wht do v xpkt 4m doz who lost thr luvd 1s in it?BB ws kild brutali! wernt jamiah hafzaz studntz kild brutali? dnt thy hav families?wht ws thr fault?just wantd 2 implemnt islam in a so cald islamic republic? just xpresd angr against genz enlitnd modrartn? n bb cmentd in favur of govt shodnt ithav provoked da alredy wounded relatvz of matyrz? DZ REAKT WZ XPKTD INDEED! n acuzng alkaida of ethngz fairenouh? iz our leadrship totlay clean? dnt bb have ani rivalz among da pol parties?
    wer da dox blind who saw bulet injuriez on day 1 n dn it swept off 2 a single headinjury? i wish it wer da presdnt in da grav insead of bb n alqaida ws realy in2 it! i wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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