It’s was a spectacular scene. Lawyers were once again at the doorstep of judges colony trying to reach the Our lord Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary, and police trying to restrain them. This time the difference was that police was touch reluctant to apply brute force upon the protesting lawyers, civil society activists and political workers.
Though Police did baton charged and tear gassed the lawyers, but the intensity was missing, and then it scared the hello out of police authorities outside the judges colony when Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif of PML-N reached outside the gate of judges colony and joined lawyers. Once again Nawaz Sharif reiterated his popular and clear resolve of reinstating the CJP and other judges.
Lawyers were ecstatic and police was terrified. Nawaz Sharif also showed prudence and didnt ignited the crowd, though he promised them that he would leave no stone unturned to bring the CJP back. I wish him all the best luck in the world. It wont be an easy task.
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