India preparing to win next football World Cup

Indians are wondering why their country has not been able to send a team to the World Cup tournament in South Africa.

My sources in India tell me that India is making massive efforts to raise a world class football team for the next World Cup. India confidently expects to be the next World champions.

I think (from the evidence available), India may be able to win, as my Indian friends on this blog will agree.






21 responses to “India preparing to win next football World Cup”

  1. saad Avatar

    yarbkashif just leave…it doesn’t matter what happened till now in both countries…the thing for which we should be serious is our new plz help them to lead the world…and most of all i’m 16 and i think that i can pass comments better than both of u,, and i think both of u r elder than me….learn to forgive …

  2. Akshay Avatar

    Why is there so much hatred between the people of our countries..
    why cant both of us learn to co-exist..Instead of criticizing each other,
    lets think about how we can eliminate this hatred so that our children
    can live in a world without conflict…
    I’m an indian and I wish all the pakistanis best of luck in all their

  3. Hend Avatar


    Good to see you reformed. Looks like my therapy has enlightened you. Keep it up.


    LOL…I like your sense of paranoia from the evidence provided though both players seem to have missed the ball…howz health? try to enjoy life…dont be down just because you cannot get it up!

  4. Kashif H Avatar
    Kashif H

    I am funny and you are a liar. Twisting and tainting everything we posses will just give you short time peace not long term friendship. And where have you moved on to. Just that US is pampering you for its own benefits you guys are forgetting yourself. A weak Pakistan is not in your benefit either. No opportunity lost to belittle Pakistan thats what our relationship is all about. It just soothes your conscience you know and we get that. If you have moved forward why even discuss…ha!

  5. ashwin Avatar

    Kashif, you are a funny man. Let me respond to each of your statements.
    “well you said what you wanted to say about us. You guys dont make fun of us lol comeon man … what you just wrote is insulting enough.. you guys havent accepted us as a seperate nation since partition.”

    Trust me, we have moved on. Pakistan has regressed since the partition. You cannot hold a democracy for more than 5 years. It is Pakistan which is keep the hate alive by meddling in Kashmir. You lost East Pakistan.Very soon Baluchistan and Sindh will also separate because of the arrogance of Punjab politics. Do not even get me started on how you treat your Shia and Ahmedi brothers in your country.

    Our each success is makes you disappointed and jealous. You remember what happend next day in your assembly when PK tested nukes..

    You mean the nuke technology that were stolen by your “scientist” Abdus Salam and developed with China’s help? What is there to be proud about? In fact if these nukes fall in jihadi hands, then you will all be meeting Allah before scheduled. What other “success” you have to report?

    lol they were weeping.. wow some heart you have. Dont just blurt out whatever your media pumps is you. And for that matter your media is no les FILMI than bollywood. hilarious coverage of mumbai attackers from PK. yea go ahead and be distinguished in poverty and aides.

    Let’s not even go there. Pakistan runs on foreign aid. It is the only way your economy can survive. Do you know why Pak army will never eliminate Taliban? It is because if they do that then the US aid will stop. After that people will realize how bad things have become in the country.

  6. Kashif H Avatar
    Kashif H

    @ ashwin
    well you said what you wanted to say about us. You guys dont make fun of us lol comeon man … what you just wrote is insulting enough.. you guys havent accepted us as a seperate nation since partition. Our each success is makes you disappointed and jealous. You remember what happend next day in your assembly when PK tested nukes.. lol they were weeping.. wow some heart you have. Dont just blurt out whatever your media pumps is you. And for that matter your media is no les FILMI than bollywood. hilarious coverage of mumbai attackers from PK. yea go ahead and be distinguished in poverty and aides.

  7. Bose Avatar

    After 50, the rankings do not matter. Both India and Pakistan are placed shamefully low. Bangladesh also for that matter. The amount of money that goes into soccer is despicably low compared to how much is getting invested in cricket. I live in US and people are always asking me why I am not supporting India or where is India for that matter. I have to hide my face after that. It is time the govt took this game seriously and try to develop the talent. There are many strong players in Kerala and West Bengal but they do not have any encouragement.
    Pakistanis are also in the same soup I think.

  8. Ashwin Avatar

    it was not a good natured comment. It was quite sarcastic. I would like to see how Pakistanis would take it if we make a joke on you. Most probably it will not even get posted by the moderator. Where should we start? with your cricket team who seems to make all their shots in the dressing room or in the media? or should we take a crack at the crazy antics of Zardari?
    And what movies are you talking about? the pathetic Lollywood? All your “star actresses’ are dancing as item girls in Bollywood movies which are taking on a world stage. Incidentally, Nepal has a better tourism industry than Pakistan. I am not sure what you guys stand for or distinguish yourself anymore in … most corrupt nation maybe?

  9. Rahul Avatar

    lol..these guys are so concerned about our place in the world cup..

  10. Kashif H Avatar
    Kashif H

    Why you guys go all serious when theres something said about India as a joke in a good natured way? I know who is obsessed with hating. lol thats so ridiculous. Most Pakistanis dont even talk about Indians. And our movies are not filled with filthy propoganda against Indians in a comic way. Learn to laugh on yourselves. You cannot go on critisizing us and expect us never to retaliate. Remember we are not nepal or likes … if it comes to worse we know how to tackle on table and in the fields. yeah take it easy! and learn how its taken easy blokes.

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