Hearty Traffic!

Talk about being the heart of Pakistan, Lahore has been lucky enough to be called that for quite some time now. I won’t be surprised if Lahore is soon labelled the heart of chaotic traffic. With nearly 20’000 cars entering the streets every month, the pace of development just can’t catch up.

Fifteen minute trips are now easily half an hour, even more at rush hour, and the school rush hasn’t even started yet. Too many cars is one problem, too little discipline is another. Although the new traffic wardens have improved the situation slightly (focus on slightly), at times its just out of their hands. Changing lanes without signalling, overtaking from the left, not stopping at traffic lights, and theres also the occasional enthusiast who’s driving at motorway speeds on a two lane road at rush hour. I don’t blame my parents for chewing their nails and pulling out their hair every time they think of me or my sister driving. In fact, my father;s cheerfully coined up an explanation for the Lahori traffic scene. The whole system runs on mutual misunderstanding.

The idea of a train or a subway has been floated more than once. This time it seems to have clicked. The government has announced the inauguration of one






One response to “Hearty Traffic!”

  1. maliha Avatar

    this an nation wide problem i think, if you visit Karachi you should observe the streets here their are holes in the roads every where there isn’t one road that is functioning in the proper manner there, i think the only roads which are safe and sound are the one that politicians live in that area or highly recommended people, for ex. the area where pres.mushi’s sister lives in is the best road of Clifton. we have to pay less taxes and the government should put a pole on the end of every road were u pull out a check for the damage these streets do to our cars every day

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