Murder, rape, robbery, theft, fraud, dowry, honor killings, alcohol consumption, prostitution, destruction, molestation, abduction, fornication, oppression, exploitation, corruption, you name it. Major problems and not one has to do with leaders.
Of course, the list includes poverty too, which is also blamed on leaders. Poor people have a lot of children and due to poverty, either poison them or throw them in front of a train. If their financial condition is so poor, who told them to have so many children. And how can anyone blame this on leaders. Which leader has ever told people to have so many children when they don’t even have enough to feed themselves.
Many poor people enroll their children in madressas because some madressas provide free food. However, the kind of physical beatings that innocent little children undergo in madressas at the hands of mullahs is too horrible to describe. Is this why poor people have so many children?
Poor people’s children end up in horrible occupations. Boys end up becoming laborers. Girls end up becoming prostitutes. Who’s to blame. Leaders? Some people even blame domestic abuse on leaders. What’s next? I’m assuming black magic is also because of leaders.
Major problems occur when people as a whole indulge in major sins. No leader goes around telling people to do so. We are responsible for our problems. It is about time we took responsibility for our actions.
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