Dynastic Politics

The lives of political leaders do not end with there deaths. Therefore nominating Bilawal Zardari as the chair person of Pakistan’s largest Democratic Party brought a query, based on questioning the norms of democracy. This query was tackled by presenting the will of Ms. Benazir Bhutto without making it public in which she had nominated her husband Asif Ali Zardai the chairperson in case of her death. The death of BB was a drastic event of year 2007 but the advantage rest of the individuals have tried to take, has absolutely demoralized the workers of PPP and the family of ZAQ by following the inappropriate course of action. The myth of dynastic rule has repeatedly been termed as a concept that brings a number of adverse effects on nations. Not only democracy but Islam too has criticized the dynastic rule or divine right of kingship.

PPP never lacked leadership in the presence of personalities like Makhdoom Amin Fahim and Aatizaz Ahsan but unfortunately still the officialdoms of PPP did not adopt the just path and instead preferred to go against the democratic norms of democracy, devaluing the main message ZAQ gave by rejecting the dictatorship of Yahya khan. The lack of trust on the people of Pakistan in general and voters of PPP in specific was witnessed by this stance made. Altering name highlights the fact that Bhutto’s name still has the charisma for which even today the voters vote but is rejected on the basis of dynastic politics.

Another important subject after BB’s assassination was why the will has not been made public? In an interview with London times Fatima Bhutto who is also appearing as a good columnist in newspapers and is one of the direct decedents of ZAQ has added her doubts about not making public Ms. Bhutto’s will and has demanded that if there is one it must be made public. Being a leader the way one sacrifices personal life similarly will’s of such leaders cannot be kept secret and are the property of nation and therefore must be handed over to them sooner or later.






One response to “Dynastic Politics”

  1. syed habib orakzai Avatar
    syed habib orakzai

    Why not Fatima Bhutto, Why Bilawal Zardari

    Dear Sir,

    Benazir Bhutto’s death was a tragedy in Pakistan’s History. Her death affected all Pakistan’s politics. It was a sad and black day in Pakistan’s history.

    The question of inheritance to Banazir died before it appear. The credit goes to Asif Zardari. He didnt left the party leadership to think about the leadership. He came out with claim that he has Benazir’s will and later announced that Benazir pleaded her party leaders to accept Zardari as the chairman of PPP. Later Zardari announced that he wish their son Bilawal Zardari to be appointed as party chairman. A school boy of 19 years was appointed as chairman of the biggest political party of Pakistan.

    There were many faces in PPP who could lead the party. Amin Mukhdom Fahim was running PPP for almost eight years when Benazir was in exile and he could the party in future. There was another name Barrister Aitzaz Hassan, who got international fame after following chief justice case. He was the person, who was always giving his support and professional advices to PPP. But Zardari suddenly called party meeting and asked party leaders to authorise his wish for Bilawal Zardari as a party chairman.

    Later Bilawal Zardari name was changed to Bilawal Bhutto. The party leadership has accepted it becuase it was very hard time for them as well as for Zardari after the tragic death of Beazir. But the question is whether the party workers will accept him as chairmanor not. The party workers will realise with the time that the decison was wrong in every sense. If the leadership was supposed to go to Bhutto’s family, then why doesnt PPP accept Fatima Bhutto as their chairperson, who doesnt need to change her surname.

    Fatima Bhutto is the real successor of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. She is the right person in every sense to lead the party. She is a well known name in the country. She has proved to the people of Pakistan that she has got every skill to lead the party and to lead the country. She is mature person, not like 19 year old Bilawal.

    She is loved by every one is Larkana. She is known to Larkana while Bilawal and Asif Zardari are strangers in Larkana. They are not welcome in Larkana.

    Infact Zardari has already done great damages to PPP. Every single person know in the country that Zardari is a corrupt and untrustworthy person. He is infamous person. He is widely known as mr ten percent throughout the world. He spent nearly ten years in prisons on corruption charges. It is alleged that he has looted the treasury for more than $1.5 billion. He faces inquiry in Britain and was convicted by Swiss court for money laundering. It is strongly believed that Zardari was behind the martyrdom of Murtaza Bhutto. He conspired his death.

    Fatima Bhutto can provide unity to the party, as she is the real blood of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto while Bilawal is not. She doesnt need to change her surname to inherit. She is native speaker of the country while Bilawal is not. She has spent her life among the common people of Pakistan while Bilawal was living in luxuries. She understand the suffering of common people of Pakistan while Bilawal doesnt. She knows what people want while Bilawal doesnt have any idea of common people. She has experience of life while Bilawal doesnt have any experience of life. She is established writer, columnist and political commentator while Bilawal will need to spend years in Oxford to learn what politics is. She is considered to be a true and pure blood of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto while Bilawal is a true and pure blood of Hakim Ali Zardari.

    Let the emotions subside and the true question of inheritance will come out of the heart of PPP workers. They will have to make the decision. This is the time of emotions after the death of Benazir. I have heard many Pakistanis that they will not accept Bilawal but they will welcome Fatima Bhutto.

    Thanks a lot

    Syed Habib Orakzai
    London, England

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