Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons or property will be safe.
This is what always happens in Pakistan after any major incidents. People forget some basic teaching of Islam, what ALLAH said in Quran.
In Surah Al Hujaraat Muslims have been given the instruction that it is not right to believe in every news blindly and to act according to it, without due thought. If information is received about a person, a group or a community, it should be seen carefully whether the means of the information is reliable or not. If the means is not reliable, it should be tested and examined to see whether the news is authentic or not before taking any action on it.
Translation of the Verses of QURAN:
Surah Al Hujaraat [6-8]
O you who have believed, if a wicked person brings you some news, inquire into it carefully lest you should harm others unwittingly and then regret what you have done. Knew it well that the Messenger of Allah is among you. If he were to obey you in most affairs, you would certainly be in trouble. But Allah has endeared the Faith to you and made it seem fair in your hearts and made disbelief, wrongdoing and disobedience abhorrent to you. Such are those who are rightly guided through Allah’s grace and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Recently Convener of the MQM Doctor Imran Farooq was murdered in London. After the formation of Mohajir Quami Movement (MQM) on 18 March 1984, Dr. Imran Farooq became the Secretary General of the party and used his abilities for spreading the philosophy of MQM Founder and Leader Mr. Altaf Hussain. This loves & affiliation with MQM and Altaf Hussain brought Dr Imran Farooq in London. So far his murder is unsolved. But some groups are trying to upset political situation in Pakistan by their conspiracy theories. They have their political desire behind it.
In this world, no one knows truth better than victim himself or the killer. But unfortunately victim is not here to tell us the truth. But it is not difficult to find the truth.
It is on the record that Dr. Imran Farooq took asylum on behalf of MQM. He mentioned in his statement that his life was threatened by some Pakistani agencies, establishment and political parties. He also mentioned in his report that he was very close aide, confidante and a truly committed colleague of Mr. Altaf Hussain. He gave all his statement under oath. After complete investigation home office of United Kingdom granted him asylum.
I humbly request Pakistan officials, ambassadors or media to request UK government or home office of UK to publish his asylum report to the public. This will clear the situation to the general public of Pakistan. It is good to start investigation from the groups, political parties and agencies who threatened his life per his asylum report. Because of them he was in hiding for seven years in Pakistan and took asylum in London. These groups are trying to put false allegation of his murder on MQM. They should know that Doctor Imran Farooq never gave any statement against MQM or Altaf Hussain in his entire live. But he gave statements against these groups many times. He was forced to leave the country because of these groups. London is a very big city, most of Pakistani community lives in South & east of London. But Doctor Imran Farooq preferred to live near to the MQM office which is located in North of London. This is another proof of his affection towards MQM.
In the last I humbly request retired General Mushraf to come forward and tell the truth to the public of Pakistan.
Dawar Naqvi lives in USA and is a MQM supporter.
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