Crisis is already here

Pakistan is insecure about its own course and future. The nation wants to get away from George W. Bush policies implemented by our leaders, who continually split not only the world, but also the Pakistani nation into bad and evil, and due to which hundreds of people,if not thousands, are dying daily, and billions are living in the state of fear.

We, the hapless, inhabitants of this country are crying for reformation, for the democratic savior, for the peace, for the flour and for the life in agony. We want to get away with these evil terrorists, and we don’t want to see ourselves get exploited by these vultures of politics, who use every shenanigan in the know universe to milk us and to suck some more life out of us.

Our President General (retd.) Pervez Musharraf has prophesied that if the political parties will not accept the results after the elections there would be a crisis bigger than 1971. Why doesn’t he show some heart and just quit the job he is doing when the whole Pakistan wants him to go now? Why doesn’t he realize that we don’t him any more, and what we want is real democracy and our own elected people in power and we want free media and free judiciary, and we want our beloved army to go on borders and fight those internal and external enemies?

The crisis is real and is already there, and General (retd.) Musharraf can do a favour to this nation by quitting the job and delegating the power to neutral care taker setup who makes sure the holding of free and fair elections as soon as possible.






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