Author: Halima Khan

  • You and me in the Democracy!

    You and me in the Democracy!

    Democracy is infamously advertised as the government for the people, from the people, by the people. It self expresses the role and importance of people in making this process successful. But in order to fulfill this role that you and me have been assigned we need to be fully aware about the functionalities of this…

  • Energy Crisis and just how is it mine?

    5 years back I could afford the ‘I am running late’ routine but not anymore since chances are now when I am running late the forces of nature most definitely won’t be on my side. Running water may not be as readily available when I turn the tap, there may not enough fuse for the…

  • Lawn infested!

    Lawn infested!

    The ultimate necessity of summers, the ‘lawn ka jora’ that has been taken for granted for so long now has the ultimate mentor: the designer faculty! Here is how you feel towards this brand mania about what used to be a predictably boring three-piece lawn suit with the same old plain prime colors being mixed…

  • Stag Alert!

    Stag Alert!

    The fast growing awareness concerning security threats has ensured fast growing security measures especially in public places. And most of these security measures target men, a major yay for women, and especially the unescorted men ahan the ‘stags’! All you men out there feel discriminated for once eh? Hassan Waqar: Ruthless Law! Hussain Raza: Why…

  • Football: America’s only game?

    Football: America’s only game?

    News Blaze in their article American Support for Football Steadily Growing has reported about a survey conducted by Sporting Goods Manufacturer’s Association (SGMA) in 2004. The survey claims that football is the principal sport which has enjoyed participation growth since 1987. The review further pointed out that almost 16 million Americans played football in 2004.…