Atta Kahan Gya?

Before starting this post, let me first unleash a wild rumor in the wild. Pervez Elahi is getting so desperate to become Prime Minister of this hapless country, he has even suggested to the executive body of PML-Q to change the name of party faction from ‘Q’ to ‘P’, where ‘P’ would represent ‘Pervez’. Now Pervez who? Its your choice now. There are right now three ‘Pervez’ very prominent on the national horizon, and you could substitute anyone you like.

When the flour crisis is once again here to haunt the Chaudhries of Gujrat, who are now trying hard to pretend that they have nothing to do with the hoarded wheat, and it was not them who said something about the damn bumper crop. A wheat bag has reached to the record level of Rs. 2000. Per Kg flour is being sold at Rs. 25, while utility stores are helpless in front of long queues of ‘Atta’ aspirants.

From Karachi to Khyber, nation is in anguish and agony over this basic item of life. People are frantically searching for the flour from shop to shop, and due to the incompetency of the government institutes and the high-handedness of spineless and bastard flour mills owners, people of Pakistan are forced to sleep hungry with their children. This lack of flour in the markets is totally artificial and its one another ploy of nefarious people to divert the attention of people.

As soon as the newspapers reported that flour crisis is once again here, government announced that one million ton wheat is being imported from abroad and then the news came that it has reached Pakistan. Where it is? Where in the hell it vanished? Whatever wheat is being sold in the market is of Pakistani origin.

People are committing suicide and they are hell bent on eating each other due to hunger and poverty. Where in the hell the saved wheat is? Why don’t they catch hoarders and flour mills owners and lynch them?

Is wheat and flour being smuggled to the NATO forces? If US has to fight its war on terrorism, then it should also arrange for the lavish meals of its soldiers from its own country.






One response to “Atta Kahan Gya?”

  1. MB Avatar

    Difficult times indeed. People of dying of HUNGER and our national f** reserves are full of f** dollars.

    But for whom? This government just like any other previous ones proved that its full of corrupt and sick people who are POWER hungry to core and have no sympathy with people of PAKISTAN.

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